在职业发展轨迹上有很多接触点, 从面对面的面试到社交活动, 成为COVID-19限制措施的受害者, 新的平台已经出现, 虚拟格式, 演出要继续了.

但对于电子游戏软件攻读应用经济学电子游戏正规平台生学位的学生来说, a weeklong online career fair shook up all the usual formats—combining the networking aspects of a "reverse" career fair with elements of a research poster presentation⁠.

而不是一个摆满了代表组织和公司的桌子的场所, the reverse career fair flips the model: attending recruiters and hiring managers navigate among stations assigned to each participating student. 在bbc的活动上, 而虚拟平台则更进一步, allowing each student to showcase not only their credentials but also their recent research in the field.


The pilot expo, which took place in the spring 2021 semester, was customized specifically for the M.S. 应用经济学 由开放数据科学会议主持的BC省伍兹高等电子游戏正规平台学院的项目, organizer of some of the largest global events in the data science and artificial intelligence realms, 与MSAE主任亚历山大·托米奇合作, 谁也是该校负责战略的副院长, 创新, 和技术. The event was so successful that Tomic has incorporated it into the program's ongoing portfolio of career services.

就像伍兹学院所有的电子游戏正规平台生项目一样, MSAE吸引了传统和非传统的学生, 包括在职专业人士, 来自美国各地.S. 和国外. 该计划习惯于提供灵活的时间表来适应他们, Tomic说, so it was a natural extension to consider the time constraints faced by recruiters and hiring managers as well. The career event's format enabled them to explore the fair and speak with participants at their own convenience--and without having to travel to campus.

在为期一周的博览会期间的任何时间, visitors could enter a password-protected virtual auditorium and choose among an array of stations each representing a participant. There, current students and recent graduates of the MSAE program⁠ made available video statements of their achievements and career goals, 展示他们的电子游戏正规平台成果, 以及可下载的简历. Visitors could interact with each student directly through a chat function or LinkedIn connection, 或者安排一次现场谈话.



这一事件的起源要追溯到2018年, when the MSAE program participated in Open Date Science Conference's annual AI conference in Boston. "We hosted an event for recruiters at which our students presented their work and had very good results,托米奇说。. “当COVID来袭时,ODSC不得不将他们的会议转移到虚拟平台. 我喜欢我所看到的,并建议我们在这个平台上建立我们的活动, as it provided for a very rich experience even when the students were not present to connect directly."

除了定制ODSC平台, 学生们的准备是活动成功的关键, Tomic说. 活动前, MSAE faculty member Robert Bradley ran a five-week seminar for participants that covered presentations, videos, 求职策略, 模拟面试.

An important aspect of the process was to help each participant prepare to speak with both recruiters and research managers⁠—two very different audiences, 布拉德利说. "Each person needed to have quality research and a compelling story to tell about it⁠—to showcase their skill sets and also their ability to communicate ideas.  我的方法是尽可能与每个人一对一地合作, while also encouraging them to take advantage of their classmates to get as much constructive feedback as possible."

Each participant would have a short window to make a meaningful connection that would ideally lead to a potential interview, 无论是作为短暂互动的直接结果,还是基于连接的后续结果, 布拉德利说.

而许多MSAE学生在毕业前都在密集地寻找工作, 其他人已经在项目的任何阶段处于职业规划的不同阶段.

"I have worked in different capacities at a number of universities and I honestly have never seen students so prepared to do the work necessary to succeed,布拉德利说. “他们不仅仅是在找工作, 他们在找我们为他们的工作取得成功做准备."


Student showcases include downloadable resumes, research presentations, videos, and other materials.

Arvind Sharma MSAE '16, 发现这个博览会对我的职业和个人都很有价值, as well as eye-opening: learning about the breadth of industry options available after a degree in economics boosted both his optimism about the job market, he said.

作为世博会的结果, Sharma, 她目前正在东北大学攻读应用经济学博士学位, 被邀请参加Geico为期八周的暑期实习, 他还申请并被接受参加了他所在领域即将举行的两次会议.

与其他演讲者就他们的工作进行互动也很有趣,夏尔马说。, 谁的电子游戏正规平台项目关注的是职业许可对州际移民的影响, ,以了解应用回归方法的新设置, 与主要电子游戏正规平台人员讨论项目的优势和局限性, 并在疫情期间与MSAE的应届毕业生进行实时社交."



雷俊慧(Michelle), 21届MSAE, whose research explored the interaction between income and marital status on workplace attrition, welcomed the opportunity to present her project to a larger audience and receive feedback to improve her work, she said, 以及与他人交流行为经济学的思想.

Lei, 他现在正在康奈尔大学攻读行为金融学硕士学位, also cited appreciation for the one-on-one preparation sessions offered by both Bradley and Tomic, 以及由MSAE教员Lawrence DeGeest提供的电子游戏正规平台指导.

Tomic报道, 哪场比赛吸引了120名招聘人员和招聘经理, MSAE伙伴, 而其他感兴趣的人则竖起大拇指. All who participated were contacted in the chat function embedded in the platform and reported connecting with several recruiters regarding potential career opportunities.

一些学生甚至在预备研讨会期间收到了工作邀请, he said: One had taken the opportunity to do a mock interview with a faculty member who works at the Boston Federal Reserve and was hired as a research associate there; another landed a new job in Germany.

"We look at every opportunity to help our students in their careers and to introduce them to recruiters and potential employers,托米奇说。. "We pride ourselves on finding new and creative ways to engage employers so that our students are presented with opportunities to build a network they can leverage during their time in the program and post-graduation."

通过MSAE, 就像所有的学术项目一样, 为了适应COVID-19带来的挑战而不得不转向吗, Tomic强调,这一职业活动不是由流行病驱动的倡议. “我们的项目吸引了世界各地的学生,他说, 注意到上一学年约有20名国际学生电子游戏软件. "So in addition to other efforts⁠—including retaining a career coach in Asia for students completing their degree there⁠—we already were exploring ways to engage in virtual career support. Of course, the fact that the rest of the world now had to figure out online engagement helped us in the sense that platforms were built a bit faster and more people are now accustomed to virtual interaction."

前进, 该项目将保留ODSC场地,作为其就业服务的持续特色, with the site remaining online as a continuing showcase of students to potential employers as well as a platform for periodic live events.

To those interested in planning something similar, Tomic's advice borrows from Nike:  "Just do it. 这些举措需要时间,但它们非常值得."

探索活动平台,请访问 bcappliedecon.odsc.com. 需要免费注册.

Patricia Delaney |大学传播| 2021年10月